HAITrans - Human and Artificial Intelligence in Translation

HAITrans - Human and Artificial Intelligence in Translation - is a research group based in the University of Vienna Centre for Translation Studies. It investigates the behavioural and cognitive effects which technologies such as machine translation and automatic speech recognition and synthesis have on translators, as well as their impact on the profession, practice, training and society at large.

At present, the core research areas of the Vienna HAITrans Group are:

  1. Effects of speech technologies (Speech to Text and Text to Speech) on translation, revision and post-editing machine translation (PEMT) tasks (R1)
  2. Technology-supported translation, revision, and PEMT practices (R2)
  3. (Translation) technology for accessibility (R3)
  4. Translation technology didactics (R4)

In our qualitative and quantitative investigations we use data gathered via eye-tracking, questionnaires, focus groups, corpora, and translation environment tool metrics. We also collaborate with academic partners, international organisations, language service providers, dedicated professional associations and cultural-sector partners.